Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Note to the slow and stupid

A whole host of Likudnik/Kachnik/Chardalnik RWers missed the point of my earlier post so allow me to explain.

I wasn't attempting to claim that IDF_Shoot.pdf was actually about the IDF shooting Palestinians. I can't believe you were so stupid that you really thought such a stupid thing. I actually knew all along what it was about, honest! I was simply attempting to mock the morons who all throw up articles that claim the IDF is a "moral" army that tries to avoid killing civilians, together with the dopes, who as as a result of those types of posts, are now mightily convinced that the Israeli army is somehow innocent of their unspeakable war crimes.

And yes, yes, I made a mistake about what the title of the document meant, but so what? That isn't a mistake which undermines the purpose of the post. It's still funny because it still parodies the sort of apologetics many of you on the right accept as conclusive evidence of your pet fantasy that the IDF is morally superior to their mirror-image counterparts in Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

You must be the biggest idiot on the face of the planet or you're actually mocking all the anti-Israel anti-IDF Libel your blog seems to promote. Do you realize the video you linked to about the Jews burning Palestinian children was by PMW - Palestinian Media Watch, which is a watchdog organization that monitors "Pal" media and reports on libels such as the one you published? PMW reports to the world what the world should see but refuses to, like you: That the "Palestinians" (a completely artificial, made-up term - my MOTHER is more of a "Palestinian" than any Arab - she is Jew born in "Palestine"), even the "moderate" Fatah is not in any way interested in peace, despite what the tell the Western media. All you do when you publish crap like that, if you're serious, is making yourself look dumber and dumber.

So, like I said, you are either an extreme mocker of "Palestinians," which is fine, or a complete idiot. By the way, did you not read the caption on the video you posted? It was originally broadcast by FATAH TV, which PMW picked up.


Unknown said...

"Likudnik/Kachnik/Chardalnik RWers"


i am so far from that itd funny. you make so many assumptions without fact, that I don't get upset by what you write. I am too busy laughing. I actually will keep reading just to see what other made up material you post. I need a good laugh during this horrible economic recession we are going thru.

Thanks for the laughs.

Jewish Sceptic said...
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Tyrone said...

fozzyb1: you make so many assumptions without fact, that I don't get upset by what you write. I am too busy laughing.

I'm glad you're amused. But you're the one who's full of "assumptions". Thanks, but I already know the truth, so I have no need for your "facts".

And I wouldn't laugh so much if I were you. You were the one who tried to defend a document called "IDF Shoot!".

Tyrone said...

Me: it was a religious zionist IDF officer who charged into Yeshivat Merkaz Harav who murdered the East Jerusalem activist a few weeks back

JS: That language is far too permissive for the circumstance, Tyrone. A man with an AK-47 shooting civilians isn't an "east jerusalem activist" anymore than the frequent shootings in US schools is part of the curriculum. He was a man who decided to become a murderer and terrorist, therefore any of those tags are appropriate.

Wrong, bud. It's outrageous for you to call him a terrorist: As his family said, he had seen the media reports about the Holocaust that Israel is perpetrating in the Gaza Strip, and that got him very upset. What's more, he was probably held up at Israeli checkpoints on numerous occasions. It was his legitimate right to rise up in self-defense and fight for his freedom and that of his people. That makes him a freedom-fighter, not a terrorist.

JS: As for the man who "charged in" to the yeshiva, thank goodness he did, otherwise more innocent lives would have been lost.

They weren't innocent. They were ideologically in support of the illegal occupation (otherwise they wouldn't have been at that yeshiva), so they were war criminals.

JS: Palestinian terrorist kills Jewish civilians, Palestinian terrorists win, and Palestinian civilians dance in the streets (as they did after the murder of Jewish students a few weeks back).

The Israeli media says that it was good that an IDF officer murdered the activist in Merkaz Harav. So see, Israel also celebrates the murder of Palestinians! There's no difference.

JS: Through good media propaganda, they have conditioned world opinion (or the world has conditioned themselves) to the extent that almost whatever Palestinian terrorists do, the world will condemn israel. How perverse is that?

Firstly, that's a load of crock: The international media, and the whole world, is incredibly biased in favor of Israel, and only paranoid Zionists like yourself fail to see that. For an excellent example of the media's blatant pro-Israel bias, take a look at this post by DovBear about how CBS News supports and defends Israeli soldiers and their war crimes. How can you look at that and deny that they love Israel, huh?

JS: Native American claims to US soil is much more convincing than Palestinian claims to any part of Israel Proper.

It's true that the Americans committed terrible crimes against the Native Americans, but they don't even hold a candle to the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians. To pick just one blatant example, in the eternally infamous Jenin Massacre of 2002, Israel totally and completely wiped the Jenin refugee camp out of existence, off the face of the earth for all time, murdering thousands of people. Even the pro-Israel Guardian newspaper admitted that "Israel's actions in Jenin were every bit as repellent as Osama Bin Laden's attack on New York on September 11", and the pro-Israel UN envoy Terje Roed-Larsen observed that this was the worst massacre in all of human history. And to top it off, the Israeli Foreign Minister himself, Shimon Peres, admitted to all this when he called it a "massacre", using that word! In comparison, America's crimes against the Native Americans pale into puny insignificance.

JS: In one of your responses, you speak of Palestinians who still own houses in Israel Proper. What about the houses and properties of Jews in all Arab lands?

That's nothing more than a big urban legend spread by Likudnik/Kachnik/Chardalnik RWers. No Jews lost houses and properties in Arab lands. If they had, then why didn't Israel ever raise such a claim in any international forum, huh? We all know about the Palestinian claims against Israel -- the Arabs have been publicizing it since the Nakba. If the Jews had really been expelled from Arab countries and deprived of their property, then Israel would have made similar claims, and demanded compensation for it? They certainly have had plenty of opportunity to do so if they wanted to! The fact that Israel has never made any such claim proves that the whole thing is just a RW lie, invented to delegitimize the Palestinian cause.

JS: My own family were hounded out of Iraq in the years following WW2, and they chose to leave Iran after the Islamic Revolution for fear they would be killed if they didn't...

Even if your claim were true (and Israel doesn't seem to be backing you up), your family was responsible for what happened to them. They should have stayed in Iran. The Jews who are there are treated well and with full equality. They have even said so to the media! Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the suffering Palestinians.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

"Good point. And that only proves that its trustworthy. If Israel's government trusts Fatah, then why shouldn't I!? (And what would you rather I posted, something from the criminal Zionist government?)"

Oh, my God. You REALLY are an idiot. PMW is NOT an Israeli governmental group. It's an independent watchdog that watches for LIES the pals (well, your pals, anyway) broadcast and make the world aware of the lies they are propagating...

Idiot. I'm done with your site. You're obviously not a Jew. You're obviously some nut job with some nut job organization that completely hates Jews and wants to see us wiped off the face of the earth. According to you, the Holocaust probably didn't happen either. After all, your terrorist hero, Mahmoud Abbas (orchestrator, by the way, of the Munich Massacre, which I'm sure you ALSO believe didn't happen) wrote his whole "doctoral" "dissertation" based on the fact the the fact of the Holocaust is actually a myth propagated by the Zionists. Right?

Thanks for exposing yourself, Schmuck.